Reading the Road Map

If you aren't familiar with fundraising, starting and running one can seem daunting. Lucky for you, we've made the journey a time or two and have mapped out helpful steps along the way!

Starting the Journey:

  • Set the profit goal. A finish line motivates your sellers and purchasers!

  • Activate your online store through Inside your store, you can customize your fundraiser intro, add sellers, and share the store link to reach more people. You can still run your fundraiser with our tried and true paper forms, but some items are only available through the online store.

  • Register your sellers. Either share the registration link or have them use the QR codes available on the paper order forms.


  • Get your sellers excited! Introduce the who, what, when, and why of your fundraiser, and share tools with them. Once you’ve got everyone geared to go, it’s off to the races!

Promote & Sell:

  • Start your outreach campaigns! Traditionally, this would be knocking on every neighborhood door and involving every family member and friend nearby. With the online store and our social media promotions, you can share your story with more of the wider community.

Finishing the Journey:

  • Once you turn in your last orders to us, we sort each seller’s portion and deliver within 7-10 days. Make sure to schedule a meeting location at delivery for your sellers to pick up their orders or have a freezer ready if you need to meet later.

  • Every group earns back 40% of their profit from each unit sold, so be ready to collect your profit and put it towards your cause!

  • Now it’s your turn to deliver! Once we drop off your products, it’s up to you to distribute them to the people who generously supported you. Make sure to thank your supporters!

Our Calculators

We believe that, as our customers, the better informed you are, the better you can plan your fundraiser. We’ve made these handy calculators to help you estimate your profit goals and plan for delivery or pick-up.

Delivery Minimums

What are delivery minimums? Delivering your products frozen takes a lot of drive time and gas, meaning we must be intentional with our resources. Delivery minimums are the smallest number of units you must sell to qualify for free delivery. Can’t meet the minimum? No worries! Visit our FAQs page to learn more about alternate delivery options for under-minimum sales.

Ready to Get Started? Get in Contact with Us!